Friday, February 25, 2011

More from the Wife: New Realities

Everyday in our house brings a new reality and a new adventure to living. Food re-introduction is not as easy as we had hoped it would be (see previous post), and we often find ourselves reminding each other it has only been 3 weeks since surgery. That said, there are some new realities that we are noticing every day:

1. Eric is cold. Seriously, if you know Eric, you know he is the most hot-natured human around and I am the cold-natured one. As I write this, he is in flannel pants, a sweatshirt, socks, AND slippers. This never happened in our 14 years of marriage prior to surgery, yet happens more and more as the weight melts off.

2. Eric is a cheap date. Since food re-introduction is slow going, about the only thing Eric eats when we are out and about is a baked potato. Most restaurants will serve that for under $3 (Wendy's for $1!). And upon receiving his baked spud, he then has the nerve to only eat half of it. ;)

3. We weren't prepared for the weight that Eric lost to come directly from his fingers and ankles. Within two weeks of surgery, Eric's wedding band was falling off his hand. At this point, he has simply taken it off so he won't lose it (smart man). We'll have to address the long-term remedy to that situation, but not any time in the immediate future. In the meantime, ladies, when you think you see this good-looking guy without a ring, know he is NOT available.

4. You would think that by not having "real food" for over a month, that certain cravings would set in. Cravings for a steak, or a burger or pizza. Yeah, not so much. The one craving I remember Eric mentioning (which is to say there haven't been many), was for cucumber. Seriously?! Yes, seriously.

5. EVERYTHING is different. And maybe that is the reality that is the most surprising. There aren't just one or two pieces of life that are different -- EVERYTHING is. Some of it is challenging, some of it is energizing. While Eric is still too close to the surgery date and too in the muck of recovery to say he is glad he did it, I have heard him say that he feels more like himself. And THAT, my friends, swells this heart of mine beyond measure.

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