Apparently, I married Superman.
On Friday, Eric went in for a gallbladder-ectomy. We went into the surgery not knowing if it would be a long-term success or not (meaning, we didn't know if the nagging symptoms Eric was experiencing really related to the gallbladder), but all evidence was leading us to believe it certainly couldn't hurt. Surgery went great, and in fact, they found that the gallbladder was riddled with gall stones, so we are even more optimistic that this surgery will provide long-term relief to some of Eric's nagging symptoms since his initial gastric-sleeve surgery.
So anyway, surgery was on Friday. He came through it great - so much so that he got to enjoy a hospital meal of chicken tenders prior to check-out. Yesterday, while Eric was suppossed to be "taking it easy," he did four loads of laundry. Today, barely 48-hours post-op, Eric led worship and preached a full sermon. Apparenlty, gallbladder surgery is a lot easier than bariatric surgery!
Through all the ups and downs of the initial surgery and now this surgery, Eric continues to amaze me. He is determined. He is optimistic. He is grace-filled and humor-filled. When things haven't been easy, he has taken them in stride as a part of this life experience.
In so many ways, Eric is my hero. And while his name isn't Clark Kent and he doesn't sport a cape and tights, he is most certainly my Superman.
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